28 Nov 2009

Musings- French Fry Ramblings

The greatest blow to the ego is being replaced by someone else or having someone else picked over you. This fundamental shift in importance causes us more anguish than anything else. Because that’s what failure is, isn’t it. Not being good enough. Or maybe just not being the best around.

What’s funny is that we seek this without. Why do we expect someone else to pin us on their priority list if we can’t be on the top of our own? It’s a little stupid to want someone to want us. Want yourself. Ya but why would i want myself when I know exactly just how many things are wrong with me(when i say me here, i’m talking about general audience member, not myself. I’m fantastic). So you want someone else, whose flaws you don’t know about yet, to want you more than anyone else in the world. It’s funny coz it’s sad…and true. However, it’s always going to be that way. Great.

p.s.- the title has no connexion to the post. enjoy! *where’s the old woman who has my ketchup?*

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